खुशामद करना
खुशामद करना
= BLANDISHMENTउदाहरण : वह हमेशा प्रमोशन पाने के लिए खुशामद करता है।Usage : says lila: no fair one 's coquetry will succeed with chanesar; this have i realised that this is not a place for the exhibition of blandishments.
खुशामद करना
= SWEET TALKUsage : She tried to sweet talk her way into getting a discount on the dress.
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= LICK BOOTSUsage : He always licks boots to get a promotion.
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= CARNEYउदाहरण : वह पदोन्नति के लिए खुशामद कर रहा है।Usage : He's trying to carney his way into a promotion.
खुशामद करना
= WHEEDLEउदाहरण : उसने अपने बॉस की खुशामद करके प्रमोशन पाने की कोशिश की।Usage : he palavered her into going along
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= INVEIGLEUsage : his friend inveigled him to start the new venture.
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= CAJOLEUsage : she was cajoled into selling her property.
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= SOFT SOAPUsage : dont try to soft-soap me. i am not going to change my mind.
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= SUGARUsage : How much sugar do you like in your coffee.
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= FLATTERUsage : he always flatters his superiors to keep himself in their good books.
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= LIONIZEUsage : the film director was celebrated all over hollywood
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= PLAY DOWNUsage : The government is trying to play down its involvement.
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= BESLAVERUsage : The politician tried to beslaver the media with fake promises.
खुशामद करना
= CAJOLEMENTUsage : she tried to win him over with cajolery, but he saw through her tactics.
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= CARNYUsage : He tried to carny his way to a promotion by flattering his boss.
खुशामद करना
= CAPTATIONUsage : He is always trying to gain favor through captation.
खुशामद करना
= SOAPUsage : You use soap to wash and to makes things clean .
खुशामद करना
= LICK ARSEUsage : He always tries to lick arse to get ahead in his career.
खुशामद करना
= WHEEDLINGUsage : She was wheedling him to buy her favorite dress.
खुशामद करना
= CRAWLUsage : the baby is crawling .